Andrew Haynes

Director of Education


Andy studied English and History at the University of Iowa, where he received a dual B.A. in 2011. While there, he had to the opportunity to work closely with students in the graduate creative writing program, and talk with visiting novelists and essayists.


In 2011, Andy moved to South Korea and spent three years teaching English in Seoul. He taught students of all ages, while taking time to travel the country and learn a new language. He has a passion for the written word, and loves to help students develop their skills in writing and presentation. Andy believes that strong writing is a fundamental skill that every person in a society must possess to be successful.

Fun Facts and Hobbies

  • When not teaching, Andy enjoys playing bass guitar, enjoying California’s beaches, and camping and backpacking.
  • He has a lifelong dream of someday completing the Appalachian Trail.