Eating disorders are not one-size-fits-all; they manifest in diverse and complex ways that go beyond food and body image struggles. In this talk, we’ll explore the many faces of eating disorders, from the commonly recognized physical and behavioral signs to the often hidden emotional and psychological battles. We’ll discuss how age, gender, life experiences, and mental health shape how these disorders present, and why early recognition and compassionate intervention are key to providing the right support and treatment.

Speaker Bio:

Jane is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and Certified Eating Disorders Specialist (CEDS-C) with a master’s in counseling degree.  Jane passionately believes in the transformative power of food, and that understanding food choices, food quality and one’s relationship with food can lead to greater awareness and improved health.  She regularly helps individuals navigate inaccurate nutrition information and understand, from a non-diet approach, the impact of their food choices on their mental, emotional, and physical health with a “food first” philosophy that is complemented with evidence-based practices that prioritize optimal nutrition.
Jane’s nutrition expertise covers eating disorders, digestive health, food allergies/sensitivities, blood sugar management, metabolic health and much more, with a focus on optimal nutrition.  Jane particularly excels in helping kids and parents overcome eating disorders/disordered eating. Recognizing the crucial role parents play, she created the online program The Eating Disorder Recovery Roadmap for Parents to help empower parents with the knowledge and tools to actively contribute to their child’s healing and recovery.

